Review – Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

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  • Title: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
  • Author: Jack Thorne (new book based on the original story by JK Rowling).
  • Editorial: Little, Brown.
  • Pages: 330
  • Genre: Fantasy.
  • Synopsis: It was always difficult to be Harry Potter and it is not much easier now that he is an overworked employee of the Ministry of Magic, a husband and father of three school-age children.While Harry is confronted with a past that refuses to stay where it belongs, his youngest son Albus must struggle with the weight of a family heirloom he never wanted. As past and present merge ominously, father and son discover an uncomfortable truth: sometimes, the darkness comes from unexpected places.


I still remember the day I found out that there would be a new Harry Potter book. I was in class, waiting for the professor of literature while talking to my friend and fangirling on facebook at once. When reading the news on a page of Harry Potter, I could not help but squeak that leaves almost deaf to my friend. Although my eyes where filled with tears, with great effort I got them retain. My «dear» friend laughed at me, but I knew she was at least a little excited as I was.

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That is, my enthusiasm for this book was high from the beginning. I could not wait to have it in my hands. Months passed and meanwhile I was reading news about the play and the script of it.

A week after the publication, I got to read it. My first reaction was pretty good, because when i read again the epilogue and I realized that that wouldn’t be the final end, I was excited (asdfghjkl). But as I read it, my excitement was diclining.😦

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I had reminded myself several times that the fact that the book was only the script of the play could affect part to its «quality», but still I was shocked enough at several times in the story. What I mean is that I fell in love with the writing style of Joanne from the beginning and, therefore, I much noticed its absence. Still, I think that when going to see the play live, this problem is not as present.

Also, some characters had a quite different personality that they always had had(even characters that are quite important), and others seemed to have been taken from a parody. (* Read spoilers below * 1)

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In addition, the passage of time of the first pages was so fast I got to ask myself if I had the wrong book, because the chronology in the «original» books had always been the same. (* Read spoilers below * 2)

I should also add that I missed the presence of some characters that i was looking forward read about, but sometimes they were not even mentioned as if they did not exist. (* Read spoilers below * 3)

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Of course, i quite liked the new friendships. Albus and Scorpius’s, especially. Still, I’ve read that many people were surprised (or are angry) by the fact that these two do not end up as something else. And, because I deny it, I’m one of them. #Scorbus (* Read spoilers below * 4)

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Another thing I liked was that there were Slytherins who were not «bad», thus removing unnecessary prejudice to cross out these students as a bad influence.


In conclusion, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child seems a mixture of fanfiction about their argument and structure, making very loose story (and sometimes absurd), which in several ocasions seems guided only to please the reader. (* Read spoilers below * 5). Still, I recommend to fans to read it if they need to return to the world of Harry Potter, I understand.

Of course, every time I  think about the end, in my head will always appear the Golden Trio with their children in the Platform 9 3/4, leaving a free open end to use my imagination.

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* 1 – Ron was, as Javier Ruescas (an spanish booktuber) said, a mixture of George and Ron, since the jokes he made would have been told by George for sure if it had appeared (without comment). And although I did laugh sometimes, I did not see my Ron, because they transform his personality andmake him the funny and the stupid one of the group. Another thing that confused me was the anger that had Harry by the fact that Albus would meet with Scorpius, I know Harry would never ask for help (rudely, as well) to McGonagall and make her spy them. And much less McGonagall would accept to do so.

* 2 – Was I the only one who freaked out when reading that they skipped three whole years? That is, my eyes could not believe what they were reading. And if worse, what happened was not too cheerful. Poor Albus … he had to be like Harry, but he was just different, and that made him the «weirdo» of the Potter. But yes, I loved him being a  Slytherin. * – *

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* 3 – Where was Teddy (with Victoire)? And George? And Neville? But overall, what about Lily and Hugo? And to make it worse, Rose and James barely appeared, not to say that Rose had so many prejudices … she did not look like a Granger-Weasley. 

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* 4 – There were many moments when I thought they would be together, I was not surprised at all when I found fan arts about Albus and Scorpius when looking for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on the internet. «I do not want to live in a world where you do not exist», ahem ahem. In the other books, if I remember correctly, Harry and Ron do not hug each other, but the protagonists of this new stories did it several times (dirty minds xD) and also commented on it, which I found super cute. * ^ *tumblr_obiktdaixo1t2si2vo2_1280







* 5 – A moment of the story that seemed to exist only to please the fans, was Snape helping Harry and the others on a trip with the time turner in which he completely changed his attitude becoming a sympathetic Snape, a Snape we never actually read about. I got emotional, but it was not credible. Another moment was the declaration of love of our lovebirds (Ron and Hermione, obviously) before they «die». I found it very forced, it did not come to mind.

ANOTHER SPOILER – VOLDEMORT HAVING A BABY WITH BELLATRIX? –> CRAZYYYYYYY         Crazy and a bit questionable, when the heck does Bellatrix give birth? Before the Battle of Hogwarts? Wouldn’t the Malfoys have noticed?

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ANOTHER SPOILER – I did not like that they used Time Turners at all, in theory they were destroyed when Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and Luna went to the Ministry of Magic. Plus they used it a million times!! I was super confused, because Jo had put it clear: Time turners are dangerous. And well Scorpius and Albus confrimed it, but I couldn’t believe what they were doing. 

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corazon_png_by_selenatiicaswagg-d63ph7aPurple Dreamer 

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